<Hello! My name is Nancy./>

A Software Engineer based in New York!

Hey there, welcome! 👋

I'm a software engineer based in New York with a background in customer service, who is always eager to learn and grow. I always look for ways to improve my skills and learn new skills along the way. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Technology from New York City College of Technology. During my spare time I continue practicing my coding skills, play video games or lose time in reading a good mystery book.
Below are a few of my technical skills:

My Work

You can hover on the cards to see the description of the projects. You may also visit the live site or the repositories if you like! To look at more of the projects I've worked on, you can visit my GitHub page!


A single-page application of the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game made for everyone to play! It was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and Bootstrap.

Help Desk Support

A tech support app where a user can create a ticket if they are experiencing an issue with their computer. This project was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgresSQL and Heroku.

Tech Blog

A team project where four of us created a blog for technology. Users can create and view posts and comment on them as well. This project was built using HTML, CSS/SASS, JavaScript, JQuery, Handlebars, Bootstrap, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose and Heroku.


An app where a user can create their very own pokemon and view their creation on a similar-looking pokédex. This project was built using React, CSS, Bootstrap, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose and Heroku.

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